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How to Critique an Article: Basics and Tips to Consider

How to Critique an Article: Comprehensive Guidelines and Useful Tips

Although criticism has negative connotation, the critique in terms of literature is frequently a positive experience with beneficial outcomes. Critical analysis of an article or a paper is one of the most common types of college projects aimed at emphasizing the student’s knowledge and awareness of the topic.

Additionally, writing an article critique is a chance to express your point of view on a specific question and highlight your deep understanding on the topic. Additionally, flawless writing skills, critical thinking and excellence in data analysis are required for the achievement of the desired success.

While the critical analysis of scholarly papers is nothing new for experienced students, newcomers may get confused as they get such an assignment. Keep reading an article to get the insight about the paper type and its specifications. 

Article Critique How It Is 

Every type of academic writing project has its purpose and objectives, which are indispensable to follow. When it comes to creation of an article critique, it is prominent to start with the main goal of the writing. Should the writer focus on the weaknesses of the paper and build the paper around data inaccuracies and mistakes in the content? Absolutely not, as this type of project is more about the analysis of the scholarly piece and estimation of its strong and weak points rather than a simple critique. So, what are the main reasons for working on the project? 

  • Define the main idea of the writer
  • Emphasize the intentions of the author
  • Provide a profound analysis of the key aspects 
  • Give reasonable explanations of certain concepts
  • Estimate the value of the academic work

Depending on the topic and the area of the critical analysis, the objectives may vary a bit, but the main idea of the writer remains the same. Deal with both sides of the coin if you strive to create an unbiased, influential, and consistent paper worth appreciation. 

What Is an Article Critique?

Before you dive into peculiarities of the paper type, you need to answer the basic questions. What is the definition of the paper type? What are the structural elements to be included? What are the factors that may influence the success of the undertaking? There are tons of questions that should be answered before you even start thinking about the essay writing. 

So, what is an article critique? It is an important type of academic writing that is aimed at analysis and critical evaluation of a scholarly piece. No matter if you are working on a journal article, news article, scholarly work, or blog post, you need to be precise and accurate in your conclusions. 

Unfortunately, a considerable number of inexperienced learners are convinced that critical analysis of the article is mainly about it summary, but it is not really do. The student should delve into the deeper layers, analysing the background information, context of the paper, its overall effectiveness, strengths and weaknesses. 

The Prominence of Effective Communication Skills 

Paper or article critique should emphasize a deep understanding of the topic and its peculiarities. Effective communication skills, analytical thinking, goal orientation, inspiration, and persistence are the fundamentals of achieving the desired results. 

Striving to come up with reasonable and influential article critique, the student will have to work on the communication skills and an ability to express personal ideas and concepts in an unbiased way. 

Key Elements to Be Included in Article Critique

When working on the critical analysis of the text, you need to realize it is not a mere review or a summary. Instead, it is a long journey into the in-depth analysis of the scholarly piece. Article critique writing requires evaluation and analytical skills that will help to come up with relevant and reasonable content. 

As for the structure of the paper, it should also be impeccable, as it may add to the dependability of the essay. Here are the key elements to be included in the text:

  • Introduction 
  • The main body divided into summary and critique
  • Conclusion

Understanding the Paper Critique 

Once you know the definition and key specifications of the critical analysis of the article, you are ready to immerse yourself in other details that can influence the quality of the text. At this point, it is prominent to mention that the type of the project, its structure, and formatting are indispensable aspects to be taken into account. 

Writing an article critique is not limited to the writing process. Instead, it is a time-consuming and demanding process that presupposes profound research and analysis of the theme and main idea of the text.  Striving to emphasize your writing skills and deep knowledge in the area, you need to mind all the aspects of the process. A well-structured, consistent, and influential paper filled with evidence is the core of the article critique. 

Types of Article Critique

When working on the academic assignment, it is indispensable to stick to the requirements. The pre-writing stage is critical and will help you choose the direction of your work. Talking about the critical analysis of the scholarly article, one should mind a few types or patterns that can be used for the achievement of the desired success. 

The article critique can be of several types. 

  • Descriptive. As the name implies, description is the basic element of this type of writing. If you prefer to use it for your paper analysis, you should make maximum effort to keep the text descriptive, especially when delivering the main idea of the text. 
  • Evaluative. As the goal of the critique is to evaluate the scholarly piece, this is one of the most commonly used paper types. At this point, learners should remember that evaluation should not be based on personal feelings and emotions. Instead, the student should take some time to research the topic and come up with meaningful conclusions backed up with evidence. 
  • Interpretive. What is the main intension of the writer? What are the ideas that were supposed to be revealed in the text? This type of the critical analysis presupposes answering these questions and presenting arguments proving the answers. 

Following a selected paper type will help to keep the writing more logical and consistent. Avoid mixing the elements of different essay types to avoid confusing the audience. 

Core Components to Include

Although critique is classified as an academic writing project, its structure is comparatively flexible. Some elements of the text may vary depending on the selected strategy, type, and form. However, there are always elements that cannot be skipped. 

  • Introductory part should include detailed information about the author, title of the article, its main idea, and thesis of the paper. 
  • The main body is usually divided into the summary and critique. The first part should include general information about the article, its key arguments, and findings. Critique, in turn, should analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, state the author’s perspective on the topic, and present the supporting evidence, 
  • The conclusion is aimed at summing up the core aspects of the text and emphasizing its significance. 

Analyzing the Audience Psychology

Understanding the target audience is another aspect that may aid the critique writing. It will not only influence the style of the paper, but also the choice of the vocabulary, the way to present the arguments, and a few other aspects. Make sure the ideas you present are clear and easy to understand. 

How to Critique an Article: Structure and Organization of the Article Critique

The process of critique creation is demanding and overwhelming for those who have little to no experience in the field. Nonetheless, in a nutshell, it may be much more straightforward than it seems to be. To improve your writing skills and ability to come up with a flawless article critique, students need to find the exclusive starting point. 

Browsing the web, you will come across the multitude of effective and helpful writing tips that will expand your vision and provide you with the detailed instructions on how to thrive with the undertaking. Unfortunately, some of them are inefficient and will not help to achieve the desired results. Follow simple guidelines and tips to understand the basics on how to critique an article easily and effectively.

Writing Techniques and Instruments

Flawless analytical skills and ability to come up with reasonable conclusions are priceless for students working on critical papers. However, they are nothing without impeccable writing skills and an ability to express your ideas concisely. 

Take your time to surf the web and detect the most effective writing techniques and online tools that would advance your critique to an exceptionally new level. No matter if you need help with the structure of the paper, formatting, or grammar check, there is an array of applications and online services to have your back. 

Developing Strong Claims

Impressive and appealing introduction is the first thing the readers notice and pay attention to. In the overwhelming majority of instances, the introductory passage presupposes the success of the whole piece. If the writer manages to make a strong claim at the very beginning of the paper, chances are the critique is reasonable and effective. Avoid reasonless claims with no proof or evidence. 

Using Evidence Effectively

Critical analysis of the paper is not about summarizing the text and drawing personal conclusions. Instead, it is a long-lasting process that presupposes collecting credible information, researching, and presenting evidence in the paper. 

Article critique is about effective evidence, unbiased conclusions, and reasonable statements that help to analyze the paper and its relevance. 

Creating Appealing Narratives

Classified as a scholarly paper, a critical analysis of an article should still be appealing, interesting, and engaging. Thrilling narratives and catchy examples are indispensable parts of the paper that may help to attract readers and make them interested in the content. While working on the paper critique, make sure you come up with up-to-date information presented in an appealing manner. 

Using Logical Reasoning 

Consistent and well-structured paper with logical transitions between the paragraphs is a goal of any student. Even though you present different arguments in various passages, make sure they are properly linked. 

As the assignment may seem challenging for many students, it is fundamental to mind beneficial and helpful essay writing platforms. Check out an opportunity to pay for essay online and come up with a top-quality paper worth appreciation. Individual approach to every student, reasonable costs, timely submission of projects, and a plethora of other advantages will hardly leave you indifferent. 

How to Critique an Article: Typical Mistakes and Pitfalls

Critical analysis of certain papers is a demanding process that requires ultimate attention to both the content and formatting. Therefore, if you are convinced that the information presented in your essay is 100% relevant, you should focus on the paper structure organization. However, if you do not know how to do an article critique, you should start with the content and proceed to the structural consistency.

There are lots of mistakes students make working on similar assignments. While some of them can be easily resolved, others will require much more tiem. Check out the list of the most typical issues and make a maximum effort to avoid them in your paper. 

Fallacies and Biases

Assumptions, predictions, and reasonless concepts should never be included in the critique. They will not only affect the quality of your writing but will make the audience doubt your professionalism. As a scholarly writing type, critical analysis of an article should be based on relevant information taken from credible data sources. Avoid dubious and uncertain opinions that do not even sound influential. 

Poor structure and organization 

Article critique is an academic paper that requires the accuracy, relevance, and credibility of the information. Additionally, this is the type of scholarly project that presupposes flawless structure, organization, and formatting. They will not only add to the simplicity of reading comprehension but will also emphasize the professionalism of the writer. 

Divide your text into meaningful parts, including an introduction, main body (subdivided into paragraphs), and conclusion that would present unbiased information, evidence, and reasonable facts to prove your point of view. 

Weak Writing Style

Excellence in details is important for academic writing and critique is not an exception. It is impossible to deny that a consistent and well-structured paper is much easier to read, analyze, and comprehend. Insufficient attention to the structure and formatting of the essay is one of the most common mistakes students make. 

Divide your paper into sections, use informative headings, and include transition words or phrases to keep it compelling, and concise. Read numerous examples of critical papers and emphasise the most effective writing techniques. Use them to add to your writing style and kee the paper unique and authentic. 

Insufficient Research

In a nutshell, critique is about evaluation. Therefore, facts and evidence are indispensable for its relevance. There is no way you can come up with a meaningful and consistent paper based merely on your personal ideas and perspectives. Therefore, when you discuss the theme, main idea, characters, and other elements of the text, you need to present reasonable and credible evidence. Your personal point of view is important, but it cannot be a foundation for the whole critical analysis of the scholarly work.  

Writing an Article Critique: Three Most Effective Revision Strategies 

Are you done working on your paper? Have you accomplished the first draft? Editing and proofreading are the two prominent aspects students do not have to miss as they work on scholarly projects. It should be the final part of the critique writing, which helps to keep the paper

  • well-structured
  • concise
  • free of mistake
  • informative
  • relevant

No matter if this is your first experience proofreading your paper, or not, you have higher chances to thrive with it by following a few simple guidelines. Check the recommendations by the expert writers from The University of Arizona and enhance your chances for success.


Once you are done with the article writing, you need to take a quick break. Let your eyes rest before you scan the whole piece once again and single out mistakes, typos, and data inaccuracies that need to be eliminated. Read the article a couple extra times so that you come up with a 100% flawless and consistent essay free of errors. 

Feedback from Others

Don't you feel like proofreading the text on your own? There is always an opportunity to ask your fellow students or friends for help. Article critique differs from a usual college essay, but it should still be easy to read and comprehend. Ask someone to read the paper and give feedback about the readability and versatility of the text. Besides, they may highlight some mistakes and inaccuracies, if any. 

Editing and Proofreading

Do you consider editing and proofreading the critique project to be time-consuming and overwhelming? There is always a solution you can take advantage of if you do not want to deal with it independently. 

  • Online tools. With the development of online market, students have got unlimited access to the most effective and beneficial writing, editing, and proofreading tools and instruments that would help to avoid grammar, style, formatting, and punctuation mistakes in a matter of seconds. 
  • Professional assistance. Expert writers with years of experience inb paper writing and editing may also be a great solution for your issue. Check out the write paper for me page to analyze the available services and make sure the professionals will have your back anytime. Talk tot he support representatives if you have extra questions about the quality of the provided assistance, price, safety, or confidentiality. 

Final Thoughts about Article Critique

Academic writing has always been one of the most demanding and time-consuming assignments for learners to deal with. Deep analysis of the topic, collection of the background data, research, and drawing conclusions are the aspects indispensable for the creation of a consistent essay. When it comes to writing an article critique, the assignment gets even more challenging. Apart from the above-mentioned aspects, students have to spend quite some time analyzing the original paper, its components, ideas, and concepts. Then comes the same research process and essay writing. 

In general, critique is a unique skill that helps learners with critical thinking grow and expand their horizons. Paper critique is a chance to participate in the discussion and analysis of a scholarly work. Constructive feedback is the final result the audience expects to hear, as the writer gets an opportunity to engage with exclusive ideas and extraordinary concepts.


  • What is the difference between an article critique and a summary? 

    Analyzing the discrepancies between the paper critique and summary, it is indispensable to mention that these are two completely different types of projects. While a summary emphasizes all the prominent points of the article, and its specifications a critique focuses on the evaluation of the presented ideas. It should include a short summary of the main ideas, and analysis of the provided research.

  • How do I find credible sources for my article critique?

    The pre-writing stage is critical for article critique. It is indispensable to take some time to analyze the web and detect the most reliable and credible data sources to prove your perspectives. Focus on the relevant ideas that would provide you with sufficient scholarly background and evidence you need to add to your arguments. 

  • Should I use the first person or third person when writing an article critique?

    When working on the research article critique, it is fundamental to avoid a first-person narrative, which is not typical for academic projects. Instead, use a third person, which will help you to present the necessary information in an unbiased and objective way. 

  • Can I use humor in an article critique?

    The main idea of paper critique is to analyze a specific article, scholarly text, book, or any other academic project, single out its main idea and core objectives, and draw reasonable conclusions. Although some humor can be used in the opening passage to attract the reader’s attention, it should be avoided in the body part. 

  • Is it necessary to address opposing viewpoints in an article critique?

    The main idea of the paper is to analyze certain scholarly work and ome with reasonable conclusions about its structure, format, and content. No matter if you agree with the author’s ideas or not, you will have to make the maximum effort to come up with unbiased ideas. Presenting the opposing ideas you should present sufficient reasoning and evidence. 

  • How should I format my citations in an article critique?

    Critique is one of the academic writing projects that requires excellence in every single detail. Flawless structure and perfect formatting are a must. At the same time, there are no specific requirements to the formatting style used in this type of the scholarly project. Therefore, the student should only meet the requirements mentioned by the professor. Follow the MLA, or APA recommendations when you format the citations.

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