Answer to All Your “Do My Coursework for Me” Needs

Easy-peasy! $6.99 a page only!

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4.8 /5
4.7 /5

Features you get with us

  • 100% plagiarism-free papers

    100% plagiarism-free papers

    Get coursework samples written from scratch. No plagiarism or even partial borrowing of other people's content!

  • Solid quality coursework

    Solid quality coursework

    Expect A-worthy assignments when you choose our write my coursework service. Your professor will be delighted, for sure.

  • Pro writers, no AI

    Pro writers, no AI

    We work with top coursework writers. No AI or other messy algorithm will ever touch your samples. Only classic writing from scratch is allowed.

  • 24/7 academic support

    24/7 academic support

    We’re available 24/7, so feel free to reach out anytime. Ask any questions related to your order, and we will respond promptly.

  • Super-fast delivery

    Super-fast delivery

    Expect affordable prices and pleasant discounts for both new and returning customers. We are pleased to offer top quality at a reasonable price.

  • Affordable pricing & discounts

    Affordable pricing & discounts

    Expect affordable prices and pleasant discounts for both new and returning customers. We are pleased to offer top quality at a reasonable price.

How we operate

In 4 Easy Steps

Send the paper details

Please send detailed instructions and all coursework details like your topic, subject and number of pages

Pay for your paper

Make sure all options and required paper extras are activated, and pay for your order.

Track the progress

Track your coursework writing progress in your personal dashboard to stay tuned with all the updates.

Grab your paper

Once the job is done, you will receive a notification. Check the sample, approve it, and download it to your PC or other device.

Our Customers Are Always Satisfied

Still hesitant? Just look: your fellow students in search of someone to “do my essay” have already used our services and were pleased with the results!

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4.8 /5
4.7 /5
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I am not a fan of academic writing, especially when it comes to coursework. In such situations, relieves me of this burden. I provide instructions, additional materials, and get a well-written paper on time. I do not know what I would do without them.

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I found a job, so I did not have enough time to complete coursework on my own. Fortunately, I came across this service that helped to finish it without stress and submit my paper on time. I am so happy, thanks!

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Wow! I did not expect that there was a professional who could do my coursework so well in four days! Good content and writing, so I got 85 for it without loss of time.

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I was a little nervous because it was the first time using the writing service to get help with my coursework. But it was for nothing as an assigned expert wrote it so good and followed my instructions. I think I have found a reliable company to turn for help.

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The best bargain is just a few clicks away!

Get an original paper that doesn’t cost a fortune!

  • 450
    orders completed daily
  • 86
    disciplines we are good at
  • 820+
    professionals in our team
  • 4.88/5
    is the average order rating

​​Still have questions?

Now is the time to contact and get the professional writing help you need. We really want to help you!
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Complete Coursework for Me! - Benefit from Our Assistance and Get Excellent Coursework

Are you struggling with coursework? Having trouble meeting the deadlines? Or does your professor not appreciate your efforts and give you Cs and Ds instead of As?

Don’t give up hope! If you’ve tried everything but found that nothing works, our expert writers are here to help you excel in your studies by providing top-notch coursework assistance. With our experts on your side, you’ll finally submit the assignment for grading on time, score a top mark, and have enough time to catch your breath and catch up on other tasks.

Ready to try our “do my coursework for me” service? Here’s how it works.

We’ll do your coursework perfectly, and here are the top benefits you can count on

What do you expect when searching for a “do my coursework online” service? You want it to be cheap but good, quick to deliver your order and answer your questions. Better yet, you want to get a good grade and avoid school troubles. As it happens, that’s exactly what we deliver to our customers. Here are a few benefits you can enjoy:

  • Quick turnaround. Meet every deadline, even if you need to turn in your assignment in under 24 hours. Our writers thrive under pressure as long as your deadline is realistic.
  • Free revisions. Don’t settle for mediocre writing or not-quite-right answers; get your writer to revise the paper until you’re absolutely happy with the help you receive. Get your money back if you’re not. 
  • Student-friendly pricing. Forget going broke just because you need help with coursework. We keep our rates as low as $6.99 per page to ensure every student can afford our services. 
  • 24/7 customer support. Get instant coursework help, even in the middle of the night or on the weekend. Our support team remains online and available via live chat or hotline to answer all your questions on your schedule. 
  • Plagiarism-free writing. Keep your school record pristine with 100% original pieces. We run each assignment through a thorough plagiarism check before sending it your way, and you can get a plagiarism report with your paper if necessary.
  • Human-written pieces. Forego ChatGPT’s attempts at “write my coursework” requests and get your hands on human-written pieces that won’t raise any red flags among your professors. 

As you’ve probably noticed, professional academic writers are at the core of many of our benefits. If you’re curious to learn what makes them special, read on.

Expert Coursework Writers at Your Service

You might be asking yourself, “Who is the best person to complete coursework for me?” The one person who could meet your professor’s requirements to a T is undoubtedly your professor. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely you’d be able to hire them or trick them into completing your assignment.

The next best person to deal with your coursework is your annoying straight-A classmate, a TA, or a recent graduate with a 4.0 GPA and no way to apply their in-depth knowledge of Medieval silverware or another obscure subject. That’s who makes up the majority of our talent pool.

We’re always on the lookout for new experts, but our hiring and onboarding process is pretty intense:

  • First, we review the applicant’s background. We study their academic credentials and writing portfolio and hold an interview to ensure they possess the knowledge and skills necessary to provide academic support to struggling college students.
  • Next, we run a series of tests. These involve a timed writing task designed to gauge writing skills, ability to work under pressure, and ability to meet tight deadlines. Of course, we run the finished piece through Grammarly, a plagiarism check, and an AI detector.
  • Finally, we monitor the writers' progress. We review their first orders, analyze the number of revision requests and study students’ feedback. Once they prove themselves, the best and brightest are promoted to the Top and Pro tier, while those who fail to satisfy our customers leave our team for good. 

This intense process ensures that whenever you come to us with a “write my coursework” request, you get grade-A assistance. And once you become a regular, you can work with the same expert over and over to ensure writing style consistency throughout the term or the whole four years of college. 

How to order coursework writing smoothly

You’re stressed enough as it is, so you don’t need to jump through the hoops when you’re on a “write my coursework for me” quest. That’s why we streamlined the order process to ensure using our coursework writing service is almost as easy as getting your favorite coffee beans off Amazon. 

Going from a blank page to a submission-ready assignment takes a couple of minutes and only three steps:

  • Tell us what you need. If it’s your first time, type “Write my coursework for me” in the live chat window and have our support agent walk you through the order process. Or go directly to the write my paper for me order form and fill it out. The more you can tell us about your coursework needs, the better. Share your academic level, class, and topic, and remember to specify important things like the number of pages, formatting style, and the required number of citations. You can even upload additional resources you want our writers to use or your professor’s rubric to ensure our experts meet every requirement. Set the deadline giving yourself enough time for a revision or two, and your order is almost complete. 
  • Confirm the order. Double-check the paper requirements, consider our additional services, and proceed to checkout. The payment system will walk you through the steps necessary to pay for your assignment. Once your payment goes through, we’ll immediately assign an expert to your “do my coursework” case and have them start working to ensure they meet your deadline. At this point, you’re free to catch a much-deserved break, deal with other assignments, or follow the writer’s progress through the dashboard. 
  • Download the paper. Once your order is ready, we’ll send you an email notification with a preview. Consider the draft you receive and if it’s everything you envisioned when you placed your “do my coursework for me” order, approve the assignment, and download the editable file. You can tweak and adjust it before submitting it for grading. If there’s something amiss, return the paper for a free revision with your comments on what the writer should edit or rewrite. You get up to three free revisions with every order, but remember that each round can take up to 24 hours to complete.

You’ve probably spent more time looking over these steps than you’ll spend working through them. Our order form is student-friendly, and it only takes a couple of minutes to request any coursework writing help you need. 

By the way, you can always reach out to our support agents and say, “I want to pay to do my coursework!” We’ll guide you through the order process and be there for you, so you won’t have to worry the first time. Consider this our contribution to reducing your academic stress and anxiety.

Reasons students choose our paper writing services

Taking the plunge and getting coursework help for the first time is a nerve-racking experience. You don’t know which service to pick and who you can trust. There are too many horror stories about students getting caught and expelled, and all the reviews look fake or doctored.

“Who should I trust to complete coursework for me?” you’re probably thinking. How about a service thousands of other students trust? WriterPaperForMe has been around for almost a decade, and in that time, we have helped thousands of students complete their assignments. You can check out our online reputation for yourself, but all you’ll find are positive reviews on SiteJabber, ScamFighter, and

🏆 Expert writers Only experienced coursework writers.
⏰ Fast delivery We meet the shortest deadlines effortlessly.
🔒 100% privacy Your personal info is fully protected.
♻️ Free revisions Enjoy fast and free revisions.
👍 24/7 support Get expert assistance whenever needed.
💰 Honest refunds Request full or partial refunds in one click.

As you can see, you can order coursework without any worries, as we’ve been building our reputation for years. Each order has been a brick in the solid foundation upon which our academic Tower of Babel stands. One that shows no signs of collapsing. But what if you don’t believe all the positive reviews? Here are a few extra considerations that might convince you. With us, you get

  • No fine print. Our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, revision, and refund terms are as transparent as possible. We do not hide behind the legalese to steal your money and disappear into the sunset. We deliver a service for a fair price and on fair terms.
  • There are no hidden fees. We won’t try to trick you into buying something you don’t need or paying for something you don’t want. Our order form does not have pre-checked boxes, processing fees, or other charges that will unexpectedly double your bottom line at checkout.
  • No false advertising. Writing companies like making bold claims and giving out promises that they cannot fulfill. That’s not how WriterPaperForMe operates. We give it to you honest and clear without hiding behind vague phrasing and euphemisms. We won’t promise you’ll get an A because no one aside from your professor can guarantee that, but we will promise to follow your instructions and meet your deadline.

Besides, our team is pretty young, and most of us have been where you are now, overworked and sleep-deprived, trying to juggle school with side gigs and asking yourself if it’d be easier to drop out. Still, we made it through, and now we’re here to help you get to the other side, as well. We’ll be happy to write your coursework! Welcome to the club, where there’s no room for academic stress or missed deadlines! We’ll make your path to good grades smoother.

Get Help with any Type of Coursework

You’re probably tired of slaving over tedious manuscripts, straining your eyes under a dim desk lamp. Maybe it’s time to stop overworking and trust the experts. Your health and academic balance are far more important than anything else. WritePaperForMe is a one-stop coursework writing service that covers all your academic writing needs. If you’re unsure whether we can handle your task, here’s a sneak peek behind the curtain to let you know what types of coursework help we can provide:

  • High school, Bachelor's, Master’s, and Ph.D.-level assignments. Our talent pool is full of experienced writers with advanced degrees, so they can handle a research paper as easily as a high school essay.
  • Humanities, soft sciences, and STEM track tasks. Whether you need help with your World Lit, History, Business, or Statistics class, there’s an expert on our team to take over. 
  • Papers, calculations, multiple-choice and open-ended questions. We know coursework comes in all shapes and sizes, and nothing can surprise our writers. They may specialize in writing, but we also have a complement of experts to deal with programming tasks, Q&A, and other assignment types.
  • Writing, editing, proofreading, or formatting assistance. You may not need help with coursework writing but with taking your assignment to the next level. Our team of professional editors is here to provide actionable feedback to make your writing look polished and flawless. 

Still, we understand your doubts. You’re probably asking yourself, “Can these guys really do my coursework for me?” And you don’t want to waste time working through the order form if your assignment seems too obscure. That’s where our support team comes in. Call our hotline or fire up live chat and outline your task to one of our managers. They’ll cross-reference your requirements with our writer database and let you know if we have the right expert on our roster. 

Write your coursework with us and enjoy our perks

Dozens of academic writing services pop up every year, but only a few remain as steadfast as the WritePaperForMe coursework writing service. Our secret lies in flexibility and willingness to adapt to new challenges. It’s equally important to us that every client feels cared for as if their grandma had prepared their favorite dish for Thanksgiving. Our flexible and friendly approach pays off because we deliver great samples and positive emotions.

When the pandemic hit, we started offering help with online classes and remote coursework assignments to help students deal with the new reality of remote campuses. When ChatGPT became a thing, and schools implemented AI detection checks, so did we to stay ahead of potential issues and protect our clients’ school records. 

When you place your first “do my coursework for me” order, you'll find plenty of customization options. For example, if your professor requests regular progress reports, consider checking the progressive delivery box before checkout. Your writer will deliver your assignment in chunks to help fool your TAs and professors. And if your piece is too long to keep all the main facts straight, get an abstract or a one-page summary. It will help you review the major points at a glance and answer any of the instructor’s questions.

You can even get an alternative take on the issue from another writer at 30% off. It’s a neat way to review different points of view and combine two papers into one to score extra points with your professor.

Aside from the great add-ons, each order comes with a generous helping of free services, including free title and reference pages and free formatting according to the style you specify when placing the order.

Here's a quick overview of our best free and premium perks when you buy coursework:



Title page

 ̶$̶6̶.̶9̶9̶ FREE


̶$̶9̶.̶9̶9̶ FREE


̶$̶1̶2̶.̶9̶9̶ FREE

Grammarly report


Plagiarism report


AI detection report



From $6.99

One-page summary

From $6.99

Progressive delivery 


Remember to check the necessary boxes in step 3 of the order form to include any extras you need. Carefully review all the parameters and finalize your order once you’re sure you haven’t missed anything important. That said, we’re always happy to make adjustments as long as they don’t contradict the initial instructions.

Try a smooth coursework ordering experience and enjoy much better grades!

Do my coursework for me online! We receive plenty of such messages every day. And you know what? We’re glad we can help so many students. There aren’t that many coursework writing services online that you can truly rely on, so we serve as your safe haven. We’ve built a team of experts, ensured their efficient collaboration, and developed precise workflows that allow us to guarantee top-tier quality.

Just say, “I want to pay someone to do my coursework for me!” We’re always here, always online, and always ready to quickly implement your instructions. Think of it as visiting an elite Italian tailoring company. We’ll fit every paragraph perfectly and interpret the data for an ideal final result. So, what are you waiting for? Your coursework expert help team is ready for your instructions!


  • Can I hire a coursework writer to complete my assignment?

    Of course you can! Contact us, and we’ll do your coursework in no time. Our prices are affordable, and our writers are experienced. In other words, it’s a win-win scenario. All you need to do is finalize the transaction, sit back, and relax while we handle everything.

  • Will you make sure my coursework meets my professor’s requirements?

    Absolutely! We follow instructions down to the smallest detail as if our own grades depended on it. No important aspect or coursework element will be overlooked, so don’t worry. We value our reputation highly.

  • What if I need urgent help with my coursework?

    You can count on lightning-fast coursework writing help. Depending on the project's complexity, we can quickly complete the work. You'll receive a fully completed assignment within a couple of days, or even faster, that meets all requirements and criteria.

  • What types of coursework writing services do you offer?

    We can easily write coursework for you, edit it, proofread it, or make revisions according to your preferences. We can add slides, include any necessary materials, and are open to extra writing services. In other words, the full range of academic services related to coursework assignments is available to you.

  • What happens if I need revisions to my paper?

    Like all reliable writing services, we guarantee free revisions, so there’s nothing to worry about. Think of it as an extra quality assurance measure, as your orders will be prepared with great attention to detail and in line with all academic standards.

  • Is it safe to pay someone to do my coursework for me?

    Ordering papers from our site is completely safe, both in terms of securing your payment and ensuring the result meets your expectations while maintaining your anonymity. Our coursework writers take client comfort and protection very seriously, guaranteeing adherence to all of the parameters mentioned earlier.

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