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How to Cite a Research Paper MLA: Rules for All Types of Sources

How to Cite a Research Paper MLA Like a Pro

You can’t go anywhere without the correct use of MLA citation format. The Modern Language Association system is one of the most widely used among humanities students. It ensures the accuracy and tracking of sources in your work. So, let's look at the basic principles and rules of MLA citation to turn your research paper into a candy bar.

Understanding MLA in-text citations

Students meet MLA in English literature, linguistics, history, cultural studies, sociology, political science, etc. MLA in text citation standards are essential because: 

  1. Confirm authorship and originality. Students indicate where they get their information from and thus avoid plagiarism.
  2. Support arguments and research. MLA in-text citations help develop thoughts and research by using authoritative sources and previous discoveries.
  3. Help others find and understand information. Readers can check the sources used and expand their knowledge. 
  4. Ensure consistency and accuracy. Standard rules minimize misunderstandings and confusion. 

If you're just starting, our guide on how to write in MLA paper format will help you nail the essentials of MLA style. The first essays will be difficult because you need practice. Therefore, we recommend using online generators to learn how to cite a research paper MLA. Such tools automatically generate properly formatted references to sources according to MLA standards. They also include extensions for text editors with templates or automatic citation insertion functions.

First, the basics, without which it’s impossible to move on. Our “write a paper for me” tips will help you understand the principle. 

Basic rules and guidelines on how to cite in a research paper MLA

Parenthetical MLA citations are helpful in such texts. Students usually use them at the end of a sentence, placing all information about the source in parentheses. However, as discussed below, in some cases, the information is more appropriate in other parts of the sentence.

Author-page style for print sources

Key elements in MLA citation format include:

  • Header
  • The title appears at the top of each page, on the left of the center.
  • It includes your name and the page number.
  • Page numbering
  • Pages of a printed source have a number in the upper right corner.
  • The number is one inch from the top edge and aligns with the right edge.
  • Font size and spacing
  • Use a 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font.
  • Line spacing is double-spaced.
  • Indents
  • The left margin is 1 inch.
  • The top, bottom, and right margins are 1 inch.
  • Section headings
  • Section headings on MLA in text citation website should be aligned with the left edge of the page.
  • Use bold or italics for emphasis.
For an in-depth understanding, explore APA vs MLA differences to see how MLA compares with other styles, such as APA.

Handling sources with unknown authors

In such cases, care and caution are required to know how to cite in a research paper MLA. When the author's name is unknown, check the source for the title, publication date, name, or other identifying information. Without author information, use the generally accepted practice of citing the source's title or a short formulation that identifies it.

MLA format for multiple authors and works

How to cite a research paper in MLA having more than 1 author? You can do this by listing the names in order of importance or contribution and using conjunctions such as "and" between authors. When citing multiple sources, avoid overloading the text with MLA citations, trying to choose only the most relevant and significant ones. 

MLA works cited page for periodicals

Often, periodicals are used as sources, being the basis for analyzing current events. Let's see how to cite them in MLA style. 

How to cite sources in a research paper MLA: magazines and newspapers

When citing journal articles, include the author's name, article title, journal title, issue number, and page number. The same goes for newspapers. After the citation, add the URL if the article is available online. 

Referencing reviews, editorials, and letters

You’ll find a lot of helpful information in these sources, but how to cite a source in a research paper MLA? Here are the general rules: 

  • Reviews and editorials. Include the author's name, the title of the review (enclosed in quotation marks), the name of the publication, the date of publication, and the page number (if available). 
  • Letters. How to cite in a research paper MLA style? Provide the author's name, subject, publication date, and page number, if available. 

Such references ensure completeness, objectivity, and diversity of sources in your research paper. 

Citing scholarly journal articles

They are a critical component of any scientific paper, providing evidence, supporting arguments, and reflecting the current state of research in the relevant field. Typically, MLA format includes the author's (or authors') name, article title, journal title, year of publication, issue number, and page number. That is, everything is traditional, and you already know how to cite a research paper in MLA from the examples above. If you’re wondering how to format other academic styles, our guide on how to write in APA format provides a detailed breakdown for comparison. Additionally, if you’re working on an APA paper, check out APA abstract formatting for tips on structuring abstracts correctly.

How to cite an article MLA 

Now to be more specific about individual articles and how to cite a research paper in MLA here. In our experience, such references are present in almost every article, or at least in high-quality ones. 

Articles with digital object identifiers (DOIs)

To learn how to cite in a research paper MLA style, look for the DOI, as it’s more stable and less subject to change than the URL. Format the DOI as a full link starting with "https://," even if it’s not listed as such on the article page. If there’s no DOI, you can add a URL instead. If the article is in PDF format, please indicate this in your reference if you wish.

Articles from academic databases or print sources

Articles from academic databases or printed sources are an essential source of information. Ask your supervisor, and they’ll provide many of them. Let's start with the first ones and how to MLA cite a research paper. Typically, to cite an article, you give the author, the title, the name of the journal, the year of publication, the issue number (if any), the number of pages, and the URL of the database you accessed.

With MLA format for printed sources, you should also indicate the author, title of the article, name of the journal or publication, year of publication, issue number (if any), page number, and, if necessary, ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) or ISBN (International Standard Book Number).

Articles with non-database URLs

In answering how to cite a research paper MLA, include the basic parts and the exact address (URL). The essential elements of an annotated bibliography include the article's author (if any), the article's title, the name of the website or journal, the publication date (if any), and the date you last accessed the article. Here’s a template for citing articles with URLs in MLA: 

  • Author (if any). "Title of the article." Name of the website or journal, Date of publication (if any), URL. Date of access.
  • You can start citing the article's title if no author is given.
  • Indicate when you accessed the article, as website information may change over time.
For those working on more complex tasks like a research proposal, check out MLA research proposal format to ensure your structure aligns with academic standards.

If you’re working with different formats entirely, like Chicago or Harvard style, consult our guides!

Conclusion on how to MLA cite a research paper

Students encounter MLA style at almost every stage of their academic work, from essays to theses. Knowing how to cite a research paper MLA significantly impacts a paper's grade. Failure to comply with the established formatting rules will result in losing points, which you don’t want. Correct MLA citation and formatting indicate professionalism, so the tips above are a must-have. 

Sometimes, to save time and effort, it makes sense to turn to writing services and delegate the essay you hate. There, experts will immediately work on the content and formatting; you only have to read the paper afterward. 

Knowing how to cite sources in a research paper MLA allows students to demonstrate their ability to work with sources correctly, indicates their ability to express thoughts under academic requirements, and ensures that the text is easy to understand for readers. So use MLA format and take your writing to the next level!
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