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How to write a survey paper: best tips from pro writers

Easy guide on how to write a survey paper

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Judging from how little inexperienced writers usually know about the art of research and survey, it’s no wonder so many people are confused about how to write a survey paper. 

When it comes to academic writing, one can quickly get lost in genres and subgenres this bountiful field can yield.

Unfortunately, many students lack training in writing such papers for this topic often gets overlooked. However, it’s an extremely useful skill to have for those interested in writing profound papers to earn good grades and academic success.

What is a survey paper?

A survey paper is one of the most common essay types to encounter while studying at school or pursuing your university degree. Such papers contain insights and overviews summarizing and highlighting the key findings in a particular area of research.

So what is a survey paper for? Let’s say you’ve decided to write a survey paper on the topic of data privacy in virtual reality. In this case, you need to find credible sources, such as papers containing research results, data, and statistics on data privacy. Then you must analyze everything thoroughly to eventually present your readers with shortcuts, main points, and general descriptions that will give them a comprehensive understanding of the current state of a certain research.

Why do we need survey essays?

What is survey fuss all about? Well, it’s an essential tool in the world of research. In the ever-changing and ever-progressing world of science where new theories multiply with the speed of tribbles, a survey paper serves as an update list for everyone interested in the field.

Considering how hard it is to keep up with the new evidence and suggestions if you have a life, finding a survey paper you can briefly read while enjoying a cup of your morning coffee is a timesaver for all students, scientists, and science enthusiasts out there.

Guide to crafting survey papers: summary

I’ve crafted this article specifically for the students who are beginning their academic journey. Relying on my personal experience and years of expertise, I’ve written so many essays and other academic works that I, luckily, no longer need to pay someone to write my paper. However, a lot of you have just begun your journey, and this guide is for you.

In this article, you will learn everything about writing a survey paper, the purpose and scope of survey papers, their types, useful writing techniques and tips as well as proper formatting.

Everything you need to know about survey papers

Although writing a survey essay may seem quite painstaking at first, with some practice you can learn how to pass this assignment with flying colors. All you need is some good tips and a basic understanding of the key elements.

Purpose and scope of survey papers

What is survey power and what purpose do such papers have? The answer to this question lies on the surface - there’s no research without a survey, so you need to keep that in mind. 

According to the Oxford University guidelines you can find on their official website, essay, and dissertation writing skills are crucial and heavily rely on the student’s ability to research and use survey data for analysis. Hence the purpose of every survey paper is to provide a profound analysis of the data that will encompass the most important pieces of information about the main subject.

And since there’s a plethora of fields that are being actively researched and updated, the scope of survey papers is equally multifarious. Although the scope of a survey paper is defined by the specific topic or research question it aims to address, it usually considers the following aspects:

  1. Time frame

The scope of a survey paper may be limited by a specific time frame, such as recent developments in the field within the past decade or works published within a particular historical period.

  1. Cultural context

When you think about how to write a survey paper, you should always consider the context. Depending on the topic, the scope of the survey paper may be constrained by a particular geographical region or cultural context.

  1. Interdisciplinary perspectives

Some survey papers adopt an interdisciplinary approach by synthesizing research from multiple fields or disciplines. In such cases, the scope of the review may extend beyond the boundaries of a single discipline.

Main types of survey papers

Due to its wide range of topics, writing surveys can require using different formats.

Here are some popular ones:

  1. Retrospective Analysis

What is survey retrospective analysis for? Retrospective analyses explore the progression of thoughts, theories, and investigative frameworks within a specific field or realm of knowledge. They offer perspectives on the historical backdrop of contemporary academic discourses, the impact of influential scholars and publications, and the advancement of experimental techniques and methodologies.

  1. Meta-analysis

This one is used to synthesize the results of multiple studies on a particular topic by combining data from individual studies to draw overall conclusions. A survey paper like this provides quantitative summaries of the findings across a subject of research and can help identify patterns, trends, and variations.

  1. Integrated analysis

An integrated analysis combines knowledge from various fields to tackle intricate, multifaceted challenges or occurrences. It brings together different viewpoints, ideas, and research techniques.

  1. Narrative review

Such a common survey paper example offers a descriptive overview and combination of the research on a specific subject without adhering to a structured approach. It tends to provide a more evaluative or personal assessment of the study results.

  1. Systematic review

These reviews typically incorporate meta-analysis methods to statistically summarize the results of various studies focused on a single topic, providing a comprehensive overview of the existing literature.

  1. Historical review

Such papers study the evolution of ideas, theories, and research paradigms over time within a particular discipline or area of study. They provide insights into the historical context of current research debates.

Why do survey papers mean so much in the science world?

Survey papers are important educational tools people frequently rely on as fundamental reading materials in their academic studies. They help grasp essential ideas, theories, and discussions relevant to the field of interest, giving a comprehensive view of the overall landscape in which the research takes place.

Moreover, they encourage people to explore topics more extensively, motivating them to investigate further and participate in meaningful discussions with colleagues and mentors.

That’s why writing a survey paper encourages:

  1. Summing up existing knowledge

Survey papers provide an extensive overview of existing research study literature on a certain subject. By summarizing the findings of numerous types of research, survey essays aid scientists and specialists stay updated about the latest news in their area.

  1. Finding gaps

Survey papers provide aid in determining patterns and gaps in literary works, highlighting areas where additional research study is required.

  1. Applying to practical use


Survey papers are incredibly helpful for individuals looking to deepen their understanding of a particular topic. These comprehensive overviews introduce essential ideas, theories, and discussions, making them an excellent beginning point for students, teachers, and experts alike. Their extensive nature makes them ideal material to use for courses, workshops, and professional development programs.

  1. Adding to credibility

If you take any survey paper example, you’ll notice how much such works contribute to the reliability and authenticity of the study by supplying a detailed and methodical testimonial of the literary works. They show the expertise and rigor of evaluation associated with a specific study topic.


  1. Sparkling scholarly discussion

What is a survey paper without food for thought? Probably, just a draft. Survey papers contribute to academic discussion and intellectual discourse by synthesizing varied perspectives, concepts, and approaches from numerous research studies. They provide a platform for scientists to engage with each other's work, exchange ideas, and build new theories on existing knowledge.


  1. Saving time

Conducting a full-scale research study can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Writing a survey paper can save scientists' effort and time by synthesizing and summing up the findings of several research studies in one document, allowing them to quickly catch up on any subject.


  1. Motivating interdisciplinary cooperation

Survey papers have the unique capacity to bring together scientists from different disciplines, fostering a space for open discussion and collaboration. This facilitates the sharing of expertise, ideas, and experience, ultimately leading to groundbreaking discoveries, unique approaches, and joint research campaigns.


Things to do before starting your survey paper

The pre-writing stage of a survey essay is a crucial stage where students lay the foundation for their paper and its composition. What is a survey paper pre-writing phase strategy to go? Well, it entails several key steps that help clarify the topic, define purposes, and decide on techniques to use in the essay.

Here's what students must do during the pre-writing phase of a survey essay:


  1. Choose a suitable topic

The initial stage of the pre-writing procedure involves identifying an ideal subject for the survey essay. Pick a topic that stimulates your curiosity and covers the requirements of the assignment.


  1. Specify objectives

A good survey paper example must contain objectives that are clear and easy to understand. When a topic has been selected, it’s time to define the objectives of the survey essay. What concerns do you wish to address? What point do you want to highlight?


  1. Conduct initial research

Before diving into writing a survey paper, students must conduct preliminary research to acquaint themselves with the existing literature on the subject. This involves looking for appropriate sources, such as academic papers, publications, etc, as well as examining them to analyze essential styles, key discussion points, and gaps in the literary works.


  1. Outline the paper plan

Once students have a solid understanding of the subject and objectives of the survey essay, they should produce an outline to organize their ideas and introduce their arguments. The outline needs to include a clear thesis, main points, and sustaining proof.

  1. Gather sources

Before writing surveys, students need to collect and arrange their sources for the essay. This may entail creating a bibliography or reference list of relevant sources that should be arranged accordingly.


  1. Choose the method

Students need to think of the methodological strategy they will make use of when conducting their study, based on the subject and goals at hand.



On the whole, the pre-writing phase of a study essay is a critical point where students prepare for their study and writing. By carefully choosing a subject, defining objectives, carrying out an initial research study, and choosing appropriate methods, students can create a high-quality survey essay. It also wouldn’t hurt to take a look at a well written survey paper example before you start.

How to structure your survey paper

Structuring your survey paper successfully is necessary for arranging your ideas and helping the reader walk through the complexity of the subject.

Here's a recommended survey structure to follow:

  1. Introduction:

Start your survey paper with an engaging introduction to get the readers hooked. Explain the goals and purposes of your survey paper and clarify why the topic you present is important and deserves attention. Make sure to also present your thesis statement and point of view that your paper will examine or support.

  1. Literature review

How to write a survey paper people will trust? Begin by explaining the extent of your survey paper and the criteria that were utilized to pick the literary works. Arrange the literature list thematically, chronologically, or by methodological technique, depending on the nature of the topic and your study goals.

  1. Methodology (if applicable):

Detail the technique utilized for the survey, if relevant (such as methodical testimonial, scoping review, meta-analysis).

  1. Analysis

A good survey paper example should explain the findings of the literature review and how they apply to your research study objectives and thesis statement. To do that, explore connections between different research pieces, identify patterns in the data, and highlight inconsistencies.

  1. Conclusion

This is an essential part of the survey structure where you synthesize the final verdicts and disputes presented in the survey paper. Remind the reader about your main thesis and contemplate the importance of your discoveries.

  1. References

Offer a list of references or a bibliography that lists the sources you consulted.

Follow the citation style specified by your teacher or the standards of the media where you plan to submit your survey paper.

  1. Appendices (if required):

Add tables, numbers, or extra information in appendices to sustain your points or offer additional information.

Follow this guide on how to write a survey paper to efficiently arrange your survey paper and help the reader through your evaluation of the existing literature on the subject.

Writing techniques and tips to follow

Crafting a survey paper demands thorough preparation, a keen interest in the subject, and exceptional communication skills, making even some of my colleagues flood my DM with requests like “Please, write my essay for me” sometimes.

To feel confident when writing, resort to the following writing techniques and pointers:


  1. Set goals

Before you begin, make sure you’ve got the requirements for your study paper and know what thesis you want to present. Think about the scope, length, and survey paper format standards provided.


  1. Select a title

Make sure that your title efficiently stands for the topic and communicates your research goal in an uncomplicated and concise manner.


  1. Make your thesis statement clear

The thesis statement is the foundation of your survey paper, providing a clear and concise summary of your main argument. It ought to be supported by the evidence presented in the literature review, serving as an overview for your research and analysis.


  1. Arrange your ideas

Structure your text according to the survey paper format. Present it in a logical and meaningful way, with clear shifts between areas and paragraphs. Use headings and subheadings to divide the paper into sections and facilitate navigating for the reader.


  1. Analyze the literature

Instead of just summarizing previous research searchings, you should analyze them thoroughly. Acknowledge both the factors of consensus and difference, highlight gaps in the literary works, and offer your own thoughts and evaluations.


  1. Keep things simple

Plainly describe complicated ideas, concepts, and approaches in your own words, preventing jargon or technological language that might be difficult for readers to understand.


  1. Use transition words and expressions

How to write a survey paper that is easy to read? Use words and phrases such as however, in addition, and therefore to link principles, describe connections between numerous parts, and make sure you have a smooth and natural flow in your paper.


  1. Proofread

Finally, thoroughly proofread your survey paper for grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors. Revise your text for clearness, coherence, and efficiency.


Make use of the recommended writing techniques and recommendations to develop a comprehensive survey paper that offers a thorough and perceptive examination of the existing research on your picked subject. Emphasize quality and persuasiveness in your writing, and present a crucial and impartial point of view in your study paper.

Tips on citing and referencing

Citation and referencing are important components of the survey paper format, as they provide credibility, acknowledge the work of various other researchers, and allow readers to locate and verify the resources you have utilized.

To cite everything properly and do referencing right, you should:

  1. Use one citation style

Use a solitary citation style for all sources, and follow the developed standards for formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard).


  1. Mention sources within the text

When referencing ideas, details, or direct quotations from various other sources within your study paper, use an in-text citation.


  1. Show the list of sources

At the end of your survey paper, put together a comprehensive list of recommendations or a bibliography that contains all the sources cited in the text. Arrange the references alphabetically by the author's last name.


Complying with these instructions while writing surveys will certainly help you keep everyone’s contribution acknowledged and assist the reader in searching for and verifying your sources effectively.


  • What is the difference between a survey paper and a research paper?

    The main difference between paper survey examples and research papers hinges on their focus and purpose. A research paper usually provides original study findings, where the author collects and analyzes information to answer a specific study question or test a hypothesis while a survey paper just summarizes existing research study literary works on a particular subject.

  • How many sources should be included in a survey paper?

    The number of sources pointed out in a study paper depends on the range and intricacy of the topic, along with the requirements for a certain paper. Although there is no standard for the specific number of sources, a detailed study paper might reference loads or perhaps numerous appropriate types of research, contingent on the depth of the literary works.

  • Is it necessary to conduct original research for a survey paper?

    A survey paper does not call for original research. Rather, it's a synthesis and evaluation of existing research studies on a certain topic.

  • How do you choose the right research methodology for a survey paper?

    Selecting the suitable research approach for a study paper is contingent upon various elements, including the topic's nature, the paper's purposes, and the sources available. The choice of technique is influenced by the study question, the sorts of studies existing in the literature, and the information and evaluation needed. That’s why before thinking about how to write a survey paper, you should examine each methodology's pros and cons first and then choose the one that aligns best with its purposes.

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