There is no use denying that exams can be a tricky, nerve-wracking affair. Students might have heard about the benefits of proper studying, but that extra boost of confidence is not always easily obtained. This is where lucky charms for exams come to the rescue. Whether it is the ritual of putting on a specific outfit before the exam session, using a lucky charm for exam you bought before the finals, or following a pre-test routine, these habits can help you reduce stress.
Multiple studies suggest that good luck rituals for exams are effective as they trigger the so-called placebo effect. This, in turn, makes the majority of students more confident and nonchalant about their academic possibilities, eliminating the jittery feeling one gets before an important examination. If you are someone who is always looking for an extra edge before your exams and welcomes expert assistance, a professional paper writing service like Write Paper for Me can help you improve your grades and ensure success.
Why do students believe in exam rituals?
Many students turn to lucky charms for exam as a way to battle stress and deal with overwhelming anxiety. While the selected few will always rely on professional college paper help to help them overcome pre-test nerves, some students believe that their rituals and habits go beyond mere superstitions and are actually rather powerful when dealing with exam stress. Surprisingly, there is strong psychological reasoning behind these beliefs, which stems from cultural and social influences that can impact the way people view the world.
The placebo effect and self-confidence
One of the more obvious reasons good luck on your finals is a done deal once you add the lucky talismans to the equation is the legendary placebo effect. So, what does the placebo effect have to do with lucky things for exams? It turns out that the students’ unwavering belief in something can actually help them pass with flying colors. Just like one believes in the power of delegating their capstone project to a professional capstone project writing service, the inner confidence that lucky rituals DO bring them luck can help students recall information more efficiently and have a better focus during finals. This extraordinary phenomenon has been documented by psychologists who have witnessed steady confidence level improvements in students who performed their lucky rituals before the test.
Rituals provide a sense of control
If you have a strict routine that precedes your finals (you perform your rituals, you bring your lucky pen to the exam room, you do your assignment), this can provide you with a sense of control over how things go. Exams are often an epicenter of chaos and uncertainty. You never know how the test is going to go. You can rarely predict what kind of questions you will have to answer. However, doing your rituals to pass exams may be a solution that will evoke a sense of stability and help you reduce your stress levels through consistency and mental clarity.
Memories of past success
If a student once passed a test after performing a good luck ritual to pass the exam, this can only indicate one thing: the repetition of the same pattern in the future. Whether you have lucky things to do before an exam or lucky things to wear to pass the test effortlessly, these specific actions that have already brought a good outcome are more likely to be associated with success. Think of it as positive reinforcement for your brain. For instance, you prefer to drink a particular brand of tea before the exam because you know this specific brand ensured your flawless performance in the past. If it worked for you before, chances are, you will start developing a belief that a cup of tea is your good luck charm that makes everything better.
Mindful connection and relaxation
Finally, having good luck charms for exams, as well as rituals that you normally perform before an important test, can help you relax and feel more at ease, which directly impacts your cognitive performance. Anxiety can hinder memory recall, so any rituals that help overcome pre-test stress will work wonders for your focus and efficiency. It doesn't matter what the ritual looks like as long as it provides mind-body connection and deep relaxation. It can be something as simple as deep breathing, meditation, or wearing a familiar piece of jewelry that brings you peace of mind.
Wear Red Underwear Under the Boss Outfit
If you want to feel good and sure of yourself, deck yourself out in your best outfit, be it a power-suit or a dress-and-heels combo. For an extra layer of good luck, pick out the red underwear from your drawer and throw it on. Just make sure the red does not shine through the outer layers, or you might draw unwanted attention to yourself.
Chew the Magic Memory-Retaining Gum
If you are chewing gum while revising before the exams, keep the same piece in your pocket until the test and pick up where you left off. Think that’s icky? You could use the same brand of gum with the same taste to activate sense memory. Hard candy and mint drops work just as well. But the mere act of chewing the gum might calm you down and help you focus on questions, so it is still the best option, even if you don’t believe in its memory-retaining properties.
Answer the questions backwards
If you have always felt wrong reading the book cover to cover or answering questions in order, this is the ritual for you. Start with the last task and move your way backward or do a couple of answers at the top of the page and then skip to the last ones. You can go through the easiest tasks first or develop your own lucky order, based on the numbers of the questions. Just don’t forget to check all the fields are filled before submitting the paper, or you might accidentally lose points.
Use tour lucky pencil, case, bag…
There must be something among your possessions that has been with you through thick and thin and always helped you come out on top. It can be a lucky pen or pencil, a pencil case, your bag, or even a pair of socks or underwear. Whatever you use as your lucky charm, keep it on you when you go to take the exam, use it for writing or touch once in a while if it’s not something you can use. Let the lucky energy flow into you and keep you calm and collected.
Forget handshakes and haircuts
In Zambia, students believe knowledge can flow out into another person via a handshake. Some even go around trying to steal others’ memories by shaking hands with everyone. After the pandemic scare, you can just avoid all types of physical greetings and cite germaphobia. Getting your hair cut or even washed after you have spent so much time revising can also lead to losing knowledge. To improve your chances of success, delay your visit to a salon until after the finals are over.
Engage lucky revision routine
It’s the same principle as the lucky charms you take to the tests. Remember what you did before the exams that got you the highest grades and repeat the actions to tune yourself for the repeat of that performance. You might have been sitting on the floor, listening to the latest episode of GOT in the background, or rocking to your favorite tunes. There might have been a specific dinner involved or the textbook and notes under your pillow. Repeat your lucky rituals, and the high grades will be yours.
Pray to the bell curve god
If you attend a highly competitive school where professors grade on a curve, the Bell Curve God or Spirit is the one you should be asking for good results. It is a construct created by the pleas and prayers of thousands of students around the world who know exactly where on the curve they want their results to be. Aim for the top part of the curve, and you’ll be in the middle of the pack, but you can always aim higher, especially if you sacrifice a flower or a tasty treat to this malevolent campus spirit. Besides, you can always get assignment writing help to improve your chances.
Have you ever tried any of these good luck rituals? Do you have some of your own that did not get on our list? Share your ideas and lucky charms, they might help someone pass the exam!